Board Reports
March 13, 2024 at 7pm
Farm & Home Center
Old Business
● Goals Submittal
o all goals have been submitted; Claire will compile the list for executive board review
● Extra Give Final Report
o $10,990 final total: we increased the number of donors but we did not meet our financial goal (this matches over all downturn in giving for the ExtraGive)
o we will reevaluate our goals for next year for budgeting purposes
● Logo available
o in Marketing Folder on shared drive
● Fly Show Tabling
o display has come in and looks good
o will be set up at the next membership meeting
o we have booth coverage for most of the times for the fly show - but we do need some more
o use this opportunity to make contact with potential speakers
● Conservation Update
o see report in the board packet
o Delinger/Neff project has to go out for bid - will be posted in 3 places (projects using federal money emphasize reaching out to minority run/owned vendors already approved by the state)
● River Camp
o applicant has been approved; she plans to give us a written update after she attends the camp
● Coldwater Conference
o Barry, Chris and Claire will attend and have a table
New Business
● Budget: due by April Board meeting
o all committees should submit a list of proposed costs/expenses in the coming year to help us build the budget and then be able to track actual vs budget
● Grant writing: Claire signed up for a seminar on how to use ChatGPT to write grants - up
● Marketing: Gary will send info for flyers to promote the June “Intro to Fly Fishing” to Ralph
● February Speaker Meeting Agenda (see draft in board packet)
Membership Report
March 2024:
Membership: 769
Youth: 12
New Members: 27
Lapsed (1-3 months): 63
Expire March: 30
Vice President – Jim Wellendorf (Nominating Committee)
● Nominating Committee: The Board approved Ellyn Nolt and Ralph Wilton to join me on the Nominating Committee. I am compiling a list of members who have filled out and turned in a Volunteer Profile. Our Committee will match the Board’s requirements (see above) against the skills and aptitudes of the volunteers to determine which member(s) should be nominated for the Board in October 2024.
● 2024 Fly Fishing Show: I worked at our booth with Ralph Wilton and Mike Sherman from 9am until 1pm on Saturday March 2, 2024. It was very satisfying to talk to so many “old” friends and to meet so many new friends. We must have signed up around 30 new members in our 4 hours. We received many compliments on our booth. One TU Chapter President told me “you win the prize for the best looking booth”. Hats off to Ralph Wilton for his ideas and his hard work. I encourage every Board member to work at this Show. You will learn a lot!
Communications– Claire Landis
● Mailchimp:
○ Speaker Meeting 812 sent; 400 open; 698 total open
○ Cover Change 6 likes
○ Linkedin 4 likes
○ Speaker Skilton 10 likes
○ Tonight Meeting 5 likes
○ After Meeting 10 likes
○ Fly Show Reminder 18 likes
IT – Wayne Boggs, Ralph Wilton, Mike Sherman
● Website has been updated with current available information. This includes info to raffle off a guided trip donated by Sky Blue Outfitters.
● We have reactivated the chip reader device that DTU used in the past during our fundraiser events. The Square app, which supports the device, needs to be installed on several mobile devices and possibly on one of our computers. Another possibility is to purchase a phone dedicated to use with the card reader. The reader also needed to be connected to the Truist bank account. We plan to use the reader at the March chapter meeting.
● We need to purchase spare bulbs for the projectors.
● Next IT/Marketing meeting will be at the Farm and Home Center on April 9, 2024 at 12:00 pm.
Conservation – Chris Fitterling
Update on Current Projects:
● Shears Creek - $75,000 NFWF grant at 2143 E Mt Hope Road in Manheim. This is on the Chiques Creek Watershed. Waiting for Bog Turtle Survey. Grant extension to 12/31/24. Construction expected to begin in 2024. No update for this report.
● DEP Grant 2107 part of 319 grant for $832,000. The grant extends into 2025. The Daniel Lapp property was finished earlier this year. Mark Metzler and Bob Kutz were successful in getting Daniel Miller to sign a Landowner agreement. A request for additional funding has been declined by DEP due to lack of funds. No update for this report.
● DEP Grant 2207 is a design and permit grant that entails three properties (Matt Young – design approved by PA Fish and Boat. Recently signed a permit to gain entry onto the Young property; Elam Miller- conceptual design being reviewed; and Ben Stoltzfus – design is complete). All properties are on the Conowingo Creek. Grant amount - $188,000. A request for additional funding has been declined by DEP due to lack of funds. No update for this report.
● 319 Grants
● Project #2309 – Design and permit 10,000 feet of stream restoration. No update for this report.
● Project #2318 – Revise/amend the Conowingo WIP (Watershed Implementation Plan). No update for this report.
● Special thanks to Art Thorn for handling the quarterly reporting for these two new grants.
● US Fish and Wildlife needs to complete its work on Camp Andrew North by constructing a fenced in pasture to protect the wetlands. We will be meeting with officials from Camp Andrew and USFW on March 14 to finalize these plans.
● Barry and Chris met with the owner of ARRC to investigate the storm damage to the Peter’s Creek project that was completed last spring. DTU will handle the buffer repairs. Although not confirmed, we believe ARRC is currently working on repairing the storm damaged stream structures.
New Opportunities
● Hammer Creek - At the November meeting of the DTU Board, it was approved for DTU to sign the Letter of Intent. DTU is under no obligation to fund or lead the project.
● Update – Following a conversation with the PA Game Commission (the landowner), we are going to delay issuing a Letter of Intent to the Army Corp of Engineering. No update for this report.
● Neff-Dellinger Run Stream Restoration – $480,000 project on the Neff property at 223 Fairview Rd. $50,000 leverage funding committed from Landowner.
● Update - Clean Water Partners recently awarded DTU $400,000 for this restoration project. Since these are federal funds prevailing wages and sealed bids are required. It is stipulated that the contract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The sealed bids were opened on March 8. Aquatic Resource Restoration Company and Flyway Excavating submitted bids. We assembled a committee both from within and outside of DTU to review and evaluate the two bids. The bid will be awarded on March 15.
● Donegal Creek – Forrest Sheffy is the landowner that approached DTU although there are 6 properties involved in the project. The project is estimated at $330,00. There is PA Fish and Boat, Lancaster County Conservation District and Penn State funding for the project. Barry Witmer submitted the grant application to PA Fish and Boat.
● Update – The Lancaster County Conservation District and DTU are still negotiating with the landowner on the various agreements that must be signed. We intend to meet with other affected landowners soon.
● Moser Property – potential; submitted to Clean Water Partners but not funded. This is in the Fishing Creek Watershed. No update for this report.
● Susquehanna River Basin Commission - In January 2024, DTU was awarded $5,000 for stream restoration. Specifically, the funds will be used to pay for four buffer maintenance projects in the Fishing Creek Watershed.
● We received three quotes for mowing and spraying of four stream buffers in the Fishing Creek. Watershed. We are awarding the contract to Land Studies. They quoted $7,560 for mowing and herbicide spraying each buffer twice in 2024.
● Thanks to Bruce Stauffer for writing the grant and volunteering to file the required updates to the SRBC.
● Fishing Creek ARP
● DTU met with the Nature Conservancy in the last week of February to discuss the feasibility of a collaborative effort with the Fishing Creek ARP. We were told by TNC that they were interested in the ARP but did not have the bandwidth to take on another large project.
● Barry Witmer has accepted the role of project leader for DTU as we work closely with DEP in finalizing the ARP with PA DEP and US EPA. (sorry for all the acronyms). Barry is willing to lead this project for two or three years after it is approved. We then need to find his replacement.
● Thanks to Barry for volunteering to lead and organize this large project with the goal of having the Fishing Creek Watershed de-listed as a polluted stream within the next ten years.
Other Business
● Marlin Nolt has agreed to oversee the buffer maintenance team for 2024. Thanks to Marlin.
● DTU along with the Lancaster Conservation District, and US Fish and Wildlife walked the banks of the Pequea Creek. The stream and banks certainly need to be repaired. There are other streams that we inspected as well. Even though there may be funds available, the Conservation Committee cannot administratively take on new projects at this time.
TIC- Mike Burcin
● I have been having some interaction with the TIC Headquarters/Pa. Fish and Boat regarding fish release for our teachers. The release point of Kurtz Run, Landis Valley Homes property, referenced in previous monthly reports has been denied. Pa. Fish and Boat requires a release in stocked waters only. Kurtz is not stocked and does not have native trout. I think we need a middle ground here. I realize and agree with the desire to keep hatchery trout out of native fish habitat. However, a stream like Kurtz Run does not impact native fish.
● I have counted thirty five tanks in action this year. One school supports five tanks, Hans Herr - L-S and Wharton Elementary - Lancaster City two tanks. So that leaves twenty nine different sites. Due to a paper work glitch a couple schools did not receive eggs and have received fingerlings in March to raise and release. Great support from TIC.
● I was contacted by Jeff Schmidt of Pa. Fish and Boat. He is offering a program to take into the classroom for students of Lancaster County.
● I crossed paths with a number of TIC teachers at the Fly Fishing Show from across the state. Fun to see more great dedicated teachers working on behalf of their students and community. Interestingly not all schools are supported by their local TU chapter.
February 14, 2024, at 7:00 pm
Farm and Home Center
Lancaster, PA
Old Business
● Conservation: see report in board packet for highlights
● River Camp: one application has been submitted from a good applicant
● January Board presentations at the Members Meeting
○ Jim reviewed the agenda and reminded the board that this is a recruitment event and we need to get more names of potential leaders and volunteers
New Business
● Budget Planning
o each committee needs to submit budget proposals and their objectives for the coming year to help with goal planning
o they should be sent to Claire if a representative of the committee cannot attend the next board meeting
Adjourned at 7:45
Membership Report
January 2024:
Membership: 745; Youth: 12; Bad Emails 47; New Members: 8
Lapsed (1-3 months): 75; Expire February: 24
Vice President – Jim Wellendorf (Nominating Committee)
● Fund Raising
○ I completed my review of the final results from our 2023 ExtraGive Campaign.
● Nominating Committee
○ I have asked Ellyn Nolt and Ralph Wilton to join me on the Nominating Committee.
● 2023 Results and 2024 Plans
○ I sent Claire a report detailing the results of my 2023 Plans and the recommendations for my 2024 Plans.
Communications– Claire Landis
● Mail Chimp
○ 1/10 Speaker Meeting: 800 sent - 390 open - 614 total open
○ 1/10 New Logo: 9 likes
○ 1/15 Speaker Meeting: 4 likes
IT – Wayne Boggs, Ralph Wilton, Mike Sherman
● A request for bids for the Neff-Dellinger Run Stream Restoration has been added to the website.
● DTU will use Square Space’s credit card processing system for credit card payments. A physical credit card reader will be purchased.
Conservation – Chris Fitterling
Update on Current Projects:
● Shears Creek - $75,000 NFWF grant at 2143 E Mt Hope Road in Manheim. This is on the Chiques Creek Watershed. Waiting for Bog Turtle Survey. Grant extension to 12/31/24. Construction expected to begin in 2024.
● DEP Grant 2107 part of 319 grant for $832,000. The grant extends into 2025. The Daniel Lapp property was finished earlier this year. Mark Metzler and Bob Kutz were successful in getting Daniel Miller to sign a Landowner agreement. A request for additional funding has been declined by DEP due to lack of funds.
● DEP Grant 2207 is a design and permit grant that entails three properties (Matt Young – design approved by PA Fish and Boat. Recently signed a permit to gain entry onto the Young property; Elam Miller- conceptual design being reviewed; and Ben Stoltzfus – design is complete). All properties are on the Conowingo Creek. Grant amount - $188,000. A request for additional funding has been declined by DEP due to lack of funds.
● 319 Grants
● Project #2309 – Design and permit 10,000 feet of stream restoration. In process
● Project #2318 – Revise/amend the Conowingo WIP (Watershed Implementation Plan). In process.
● Special thanks to Art Thorn for handling the quarterly reporting for these two new grants.
● US Fish and Wildlife needs to complete its work on Camp Andrew North by constructing a fenced in pasture to protect the wetlands. They will be meeting with Camp Andrew officials soon.
● Barry and Chris met with the owner of ARRC to investigate the storm damage to the Peter’s Creek project that was completed last spring. DTU will handle the buffer repairs. We anticipate that ARRC will take responsibility for the necessary repairs to the BMPs in the stream.
New Opportunities
● Hammer Creek - At the November meeting of the DTU Board, it was approved for DTU to sign the Letter of Intent. DTU is under no obligation to fund or lead the project.
● Update – Following a conversation with the PA Game Commission (the landowner), we are going to delay issuing a Letter of Intent to the Army Corp of Engineering.
● Neff-Dellinger Run Stream Restoration – $480,000 project on the Neff property at 223 Fairview Rd. $50,000 leverage funding committed from Landowner.
● Update - Clean Water Partners recently awarded DTU $400,000 for this restoration project. Since these are federal funds prevailing wages and sealed bids are required. Barry and Chris are preparing the sealed bid package and will shortly adverting for interested subcontractors.
● Donegal Creek – Forrest Sheffy is the landowner that approached DTU although there are 6 properties involved in the project. The project is estimated at $330,00. There is PA Fish and Boat, Lancaster County Conservation District and Penn State funding for the project. Barry Witmer submitted the grant application to PA Fish and Boat.
● Update – Currently working with the Lancaster County Conservation District to determine what role DTU will play in this project other that providing $75,000 in funding.
● Moser Property – potential; submitted to Clean Water Partners but not funded. This is in the Fishing Creek Watershed. No update for this report.
● Susquehanna River Basin Commission - In January 2024, DTU was awarded $5,000 for stream restoration. Specifically, the funds will be used to pay for three buffer maintenance projects in the Fishing Creek Watershed.
● Thanks to Bruce Stauffer for writing the grant and volunteering to file the required updates to the SRBC.
● Fishing Creek ARP
● Update – Another meeting with Nature Conservancy and DTU is scheduled for the last week of February to discuss the feasibility of a collaborative effort with the Fishing Creek ARP. Dan reached out Mike Morris and updated him on our progress with the Nature Conservancy. Also requested if he had a format for a letter of understanding to be used between DTU and NC.
Other Business
● Dan Zimmerman has reached out to LRWA and Land Studies to request their services to help volunteer organizations such as DTU meet the new federal funding mandates. He is also working on requesting assistance thru the Lancaster County Conservation District. They have a planning session on February 7 where this will be discussed.
TIC- Mike Burcin
1. All is well thus far a month after the delivery of eggs, which are quickly transitioning into fry. There was a paperwork issue where two schools did not receive an egg shipment.( Lancaster Country Day / Wheatland Middle School). These schools will receive a shipment of fry from Bellefonte in the next couple days.
2. I am working with Landis Homes retirement community to provide a release point for schools conducting field days at Millport Conservancy. Lititz Run is off limits for release again this year. Kurtz Run, a tributary of the Conestoga, runs through Landis Homes property, and there is a group of residents environmentally motivated and anxious to help students and teachers. Kurtz and Landis Homes is just minutes from Millport.
3. The LOL article dropped this week. It was great to see city schools, kids, and teachers featured. Hearing the kids talk about the project and seeing their passion is so great. I was hoping for a little more DTU exposure. You never know how reporters will run with the story, but overall a good article. I am hoping other city schools and schools in general will read it and reach out to us. I thanked the reporter for the coverage and asked her to pass on to me any interest/questions she may receive regarding TIC.
Marketing Chair – Ralph Wilton
We are undertaking several projects to " elevate" the DTU brand, increase overall brand awareness, and create excitement for new and existing members.
Here is an overview of the Marketing projects that are currently underway:
New Logo
The Horizontal logo has been developed and used on the DTU website:
featured on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to maximize our reach.
January 10, 2024, at 7:00 pm
Farm and Home Center
Lancaster, PA
Old Business
● Conservation Update
● River Camp 1 student application
● January Board Presentation
New Business
● Budget Planning due April Board meeting
● Goals Planning due March Board meeting.
Board Reports
Membership: 736; Youth: 13; New Members: 8; W/O Emails 158;Lapse 1-3 months: 58
Expire January: 48
President’s Report – Claire Landis
● We received $2326 from the PA TU Forever Wild Grant. Orders were placed for 20 Orvis Encounter 9’ 5wt 4-piece outfit; 10 Orvis Lanyard Loaded; 1 Lawn Trout School Kit (received)
● Keith Campbell Grant award was deposited.
● Review the Mollie’s River Camp application.
● Software Grant Search 1 year access was purchased.
Vice President – Jim Wellendorf (Nominating Committee)
● ExtraGive: I planned to present a more detailed analysis of our Final ExtraGive results at our January Board Meeting. However, I cannot do so since I have not received the final results from the ExtraGive Campaign, or the amount of money contributed directly to our Chapter.
● Nominating Committee: I have asked one Board member to join me on the Nominating Committee
Communications– Claire Landis
● Mail Chimp Sent 801
○ 12/8 Meeting : 398 (49.7%) open; 12/13 Meeting: 371 (46.5%) open
○ 12/16 Watershed Leadership Dinner 20 Likes; 2 comments 3 share
○ 12/16 New shed 12 Likes; 2 comments; 12/16 Meeting 18 likes 3 share
○ 12/19 Door Prize 1 like; 12/19 Meeting update 4 likes 1 share
○ 12/21 Post Meeting 10 likes; 12/21 Prize winner 17 likes
○ 12/29 Lititz Article 28 likes 5 comments 2 share
IT – Wayne Boggs, Ralph Wilton, Mike Sherman
● The committee is researching a company to create various forms of our new logo.
● Set up a new page on the website that will feature recaps and pictures of monthly meetings.
● The back light box design to be used at the Fly Fishing Show and other expo sites being reviewed.
● The committee is considering ways to back up our website.
● Next IT meeting will be at the Farm and Home Center in early February.
Conservation – Chris Fitterling
● Shears Creek - $75,000 NFWF grant at 2143 E Mt Hope Road in Manheim. This is in the Chiques Creek Watershed. Waiting for Bog Turtle Survey. Grant extension to 12/31/24. Construction expected to begin in 2024. No update for this report.
● DEP Grant 2107 part of 319 grant for $832,000. The grant extends into 2025. The Daniel Lapp property was finished earlier this year.
● DEP Grant 2207 is a design and permit grant that entails three properties (Matt Young – design approved by PA Fish and Boat. Recently signed a permit to gain entry onto the Young property; Elam Miller- conceptual design being reviewed; and Ben Stoltzfus – design is complete). All properties are on the Conowingo Creek. Grant amount - $188,000. No update for this report.
● US Fish and Wildlife hope to complete its work on Camp Andrew North by constructing a fenced in pasture to protect the wetlands. No update for this report.
● Hammer Creek - At the November meeting of the DTU Board, it was approved for DTU to sign the Letter of Intent. DTU is under no obligation to fund or lead the project.
● Neff-Dellinger Run Stream Restoration – Possible $465,000 project on the Neff property at 223 Fairview Rd. $50,000 leverage funding committed from Landowner.
● Update - Clean Water Partners recently awarded DTU $400,000 for this restoration project. Since these are federal funds, prevailing wages and sealed bids will be required for the contractor.
● Donegal Creek – Forrest Sheffy is the landowner that approached DTU although there are 6 properties involved in the project. The project is estimated at $330,00. There is possible PA Fish and Boat, Lancaster County Conservation District and Penn State funding for the project. Barry Witmer will be completing the application to PA Fish and Boat which is due in mid-January.
● Update - LCCD and DTU are currently contacting the effected landowners bordering the stream to get signed Landowner Agreements.
● Susquehanna River Basin Commission - Grant opportunity in January 2024 for Stream Restoration. Thanks to Bruce Stauffer for preparing and submitting this grant application. This money will be earmarked for ongoing maintenance on three existing buffer projects.
● Fishing Creek ARP
● Update – A meeting with Nature Conservancy and DTU is scheduled for this week to discuss the feasibility of a collaborative effort with the Fishing Creek ARP.
Marketing– Ralph Wilton
● We are undertaking several projects to " elevate" the DTU brand, increase overall brand awareness, and create excitement for new and existing members.
● Branding:
○ New Logo
■ The design concepts were sent to TU National and are being developed. Hopefully, we should have the finals for review during the week of December 11th.
● Website:
○ Board & Officers Page: We are requesting that all Board Members, Officers, and Leaders provide a picture to use on the DTU Board Member Page:
○ Chapter Meeting Page (New):– Wayne Boggs and Ralph Wilton- In Progress
○ Website Analytics: Here is the website traffic for October 2023:
● Marketing/IT Projects:
○ Project: Accepting Credit cards at Chapter Meetings and Shows: In progress
○ IT Group – Wayne Boggs & Mike Sherman
○ Online Store: Ralph Wilton & Mike Sherman – In progress
○ On-demand printing/production program
○ New DTU Merchandise: Researching – part of the online store program
○ Chapter Meetings: Raffle & Door Prizes: Precision Fly Shop gift cards
○ Meeting Sponsor Package: Ralph Wilton, Gary Slater & Jim Wellendorf – In progress
● Event Display: A new lightbox tradeshow display concept is being developed. I met with Jeff Yates, TU National Marketing, to work on the messaging and imagery. I have several concepts that I sent to Claire to get input.
○ TU National will supply Trout magazines, stickers, and brochures for the Fly Fishing Show. Also, we will be able to offer FREE memberships to new members from TU National.
TIC- Mike Burcin
● I had conversations with the new State TIC coordinator, Amidea Daniel.
● Barry Witmer and I will travel to Bellefonte, PAF&B headquarters, in January to help with the packing of fish food and fish eggs to be sent out to the 400+ schools and TIC members.
● A note was sent to all TIC schools we support regarding participation in the summer Conservation and Flyfishing Camp.
● On January 2, 2024 fish food was packed for the 417 schools participating in the TIC program statewide. I and Barry traveled to Pa. Fish and Boat headquarters in Bellefonte to assist with the activity.
● I conducted an interview with Elizabeth DeOrnellas from Lancaster Online. She has done articles in the past dealing with TIC.
○ DTU has recently expanded TIC to Lancaster County Park / Environmental Center
○ I indicated funding for TIC is drawn from the Keith Campbell Grant, Extraordinary Give, and DTU budget allocations.
● I will be reaching out to teachers asking them to send pictures of their TIC activities as time permits.
December 13, 2023, at 7pm
Farm and Home Center
Lancaster , PA
● Campbell Grant – We received the Campbell grant.
● ExtraGive – Another successful year. Will know by the end of January the exact amount.
● Nursery and Shed – Shed will be delivered 12/12 and we will need to move the supplies from MPC.
● Logo – sent to National for final review.
● River Camp – not received any applications.
● Vote: Keystone CW Conference Sponsorship - $500 level and $100 college student to attend
● Forever Wild Grant – Received $2326 for FF equipment for classes- youth planning for spring.
Membership Report
December 2023:
Membership: 740; Youth: 10; w/o Emails 149; Lapse 1-3 months: 69; Expire December: 21
Vice President – Jim Wellendorf (Nominating Committee)
● ExtraGive
○ The preliminary results for our 2023 ExtraGive Campaign are in: 188 donors contributed $9,190.00 to our Chapter.
○ Food for Thought: A recent article in the Lancaster Newspaper stated” Charitable Contributions Down. Lowest Level in 30 Years
Communications– Claire Landis
● Mailchimp (794 recipients)
○ 11/9 General Meeting 351 open
○ 11/14 ExtraGive #4 357 open
○ 11/5 Millport Volunteers reseed 20 likes
○ 11/12 Meeting Announcement 17 likes
○ 11/14 River School Sponsorship 10 likes
○ 11/17 Extra Give 6 likes
○ 11/20 Post Meeting 10 likes
TIC – Mike Burcin
· Classes ready for a January egg delivery. I have recently checked in and visited our new additions to the program. Lancaster County Park Education Center, Solanco H.S., Wharton Ele. (Lancaster) / 2 tanks.
· New State TIC coordinator, Amidea Daniel.
· Barry Witmer and I will travel to Bellefonte, PAF&B headquarters, in January to help with the packing of fish food and fish eggs to be sent out to the 400+ schools and TIC members.
IT – Wayne Boggs, Ralph Wilton, Mike Sherman
● After doing the research the IT committee has chosen to use the credit card access built into Square Space for donations and merchandise purchases. We currently have a Pay Pal account through which donations can be made on the website.
● We will be adding a horizontal scrolling banner at the top of the home page which will indicate current events or the need for volunteers.
● ‘Monthly Board Report’ was added to the 'ABOUT US' menu on the website
Conservation – Chris Fitterling
● Shears Creek - $75,000 NFWF grant at 2143 E Mt Hope Road in Manheim. This is in the Chiques Creek Watershed. Waiting for Bog Turtle Survey. Grant extension to 12/31/24. Construction expected to begin in 2024.
● DEP Grant 2107 part of 319 grant for $832,000. The grant extends into 2025. The Daniel Lapp property was finished earlier this year. Some resistance in getting Daniel Miller to sign a Landowner Agreement. Another attempt will be made in several weeks.
● DEP Grant 2207 is a design and permit grant that entails three properties (Matt Young – design approved by PA Fish and Boat. Recently signed a permit to gain entry onto the Young property; Elam Miller- conceptual design being reviewed; and Ben Stoltzfus – design is complete). All properties are on the Conowingo Creek. Grant amount - $188,000
● US Fish and Wildlife hope to complete its work on Camp Andrew North by constructing a fenced in pasture to protect the wetlands.
● Hammer Creek - At the November meeting of the DTU Board it was approved for DTU to sign the Letter of Intent. DTU is under no obligation to fund or lead the project. Draft of LOI is being prepared.
● Neff-Dellinger Run Stream Restoration – Possible $365,000 project on Neff Farm 223 Fairview Rd. $50,000 leverage funding committed from Landowner. ARRC is the contractor.
● Donegal Creek – Forrest Sheffy is the landowner that approached DTU although there are 6 properties involved in the project. The project is estimated at $330,00. There is possible PA Fish and Boat, Lancaster County Conservation District and Penn State funding for the project.
● Moser Property – potential; submitted to Clean Water Partners but not funded. This is in the Fishing Creek Watershed.
● Project #2309 – Design and permit 10,000 feet of stream restoration. Project #2318 – Revise/amend the Conowingo WIP (Watershed Implementation Plan). Both projects are in the process of electronic signing by all parties.
● Susquehanna River Basin Commission - Grant opportunity in January 2024 for Stream Restoration. This money will be earmarked for ongoing maintenance on three existing buffer projects.
● Fishing Creek ARP – Dan Zimmerman reported that he hopes to organize a meeting with the Director of the Nature Conservancy and their team before the end of this year.
MARKETING – Ralph Wilton
Branding: New Logo
The design concepts were sent to TU National and are being developed. Hopefully, we should have the finals for review during the week of December 11th.
Website Analytics:
Here is the website traffic for October 2023:
New DTU Merchandise: Researching – part of the online store program
November 8 , 2023, at 7pm
Farm and Home Center
Lancaster, PA
Meeting Summary:
● Vote: River Camp Attendees Sponsorship Board agreed to sponsor 3 and vote on additional
● Vote: SRBC $5,000 Grant for Buffer Maintenance Board approved to submit Grant
● Vote: PA DEP $97,000 Grant Award Board approved accepting Grant
“Conowingo Creek Implementation Plan Update”
● Vote: PA DEP $302,000 Grant Award Board approved accepting Grant
“Conowingo Creek 10,000 Feet of Stream Restoration”
Fishing Creek ARP – Conservation Committee continue discussions with interested parties
New Nursery Shed was purchased and will be delivered to SEAREC in December
Membership Report – Ellyn Nolt
November 2023:
Membership: 716; Youth: 10; Without Emails 139
Vice President – Jim Wellendorf Nominating Committee
● ExtraGive: Completed the final design of our first (October 23), second (October 30) and third (November 6) emails for the 2023 ExtraGive Campaign. All emails have been scheduled to automatically be sent to our members. Also completed the design for the postcard which will be mailed to our members on Monday November 13, 2023.
Communications– Claire Landis
● Mailchimp (798 recipients)
10/2: Oktoberfest Signup 43% open; 10/23: ExtraGive #1 41.2% open; 10/30 ExtraGive #2 38.7% open
10/22 Nursery Opening-20 Likes; 10/29 TIC list-23 Likes ;10/31 Flyway Stoning Nursery-18 Likes
IT – Wayne Boggs, Ralph Wilton, Mike Sherman
● The website has been updated with current information.
● Will investigate the feasibility of a credit card reader to be used at raffles and a possible online DTU store.
● Creating a new welcome script for new members on Mailchimp.
Conservation – Chris Fitterling
● Delinger Run Project in Rapho Twp – The grant application was submitted.
● Hammer Creek - A meeting is being scheduled with LCCD, USACE, DFTU and our team to get input from everyone as to where this project currently stands.
● Fishing Creek Project - Chaired a recent meeting with DEP and the PA Nature Conservancy. The agenda topic was 319 funding with DEP and the possible partnership with the Nature Conservancy. DTU expects a decision from Dr. Niles of the PA Nature Conservancy by the end of the year or early 2024.
● Camp Andrews - Fish and Wildlife hosted a luncheon at Camp Andrews on October 18. DTU was recognized at the outing. DTU was also recognized in a recent article in the Lancaster Newspaper for our continuing efforts with cold water stream restoration.
● Riparian Buffers - 10 volunteers from DTU and the Friends of Fishing Creek replanted 50+ trees on October 24 on the Peter’s Creek buffer.
● Millport Nursery – Following two days of work, restoration efforts have been completed at the Conservancy. Only task remaining is to clean out the barn once the new shed is in place.
● Open House for the new nursery was held on October 19. The foundation for our new shed was laid by Flyway. The shed has been ordered for a December delivery.
● A meeting is scheduled for November 7 with Amanda Goldsmith from LCCD to discuss the feasibility and funding for the Forrest Sheffy property on Donegal Creek.
● A member of DTU has approached the Conservation Committee regarding Camp Rocky Creek (formerly Camp Kiwanis and Camp Shand.) This property is at the headwaters of the Chiques Creek. They would like to explore if there is any potential to partner with DTU to find a permanent solution to reduce the sediment in the creek? We agreed to at least look at the property.
Education Report/Trout in the Classroom - Mike Burcin
● The state office for Trout in The Classroom released a list of schools participating in the program for 2023/24.
● Cody Whipple with Pa. Fish and Boat / Director of TIC announced that he would be moving on to another position with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in North Central Pennsylvania.
● State TIC announced due to additional testing and data collection from the stream, fish releases will not be permitted in Lititz Run. (2023/24) Alternate sites will be secured for teachers.
● Schools are in a preparation phase anticipating the arrival of their January egg shipments.
Marketing– Ralph Wilton
● We are undertaking several projects to " elevate" the DTU brand, increase overall brand awareness, and create excitement for new and existing members. Here is an overview of the Marketing projects that are currently underway:
○ Branding: New Logo – we need to finalize/vote on this at the next Board meeting.
■ The current DTU logo requires updating and conforming to TU's National guidelines
○ Website:
■ Website Analytics: Here is the website traffic for October 2023:
○ Marketing/IT Projects:
■ Project: Accepting Credit cards at Chapter Meetings and Shows: In progress
○ Online Store
○ New DTU Merchandise: Researching
○ Chapter Meetings: Raffle & Door Prizes: Precision Fly Shop gift cards
○ Meeting Sponsor Package: In progress
○ Event Display: Concepting – once the new logo is approved.
○ ExtraGive: Two emails have been launched – the third email goes out on November 13th