Trout In The Classroom

Pennsylvania’s program is made possible by the partnership between the PA Council of Trout Unlimited, the PA Fish & Boat Commission, and local chapters of Trout Unlimited. Donegal TU is proud to sponsor 17 classrooms in 14 schools in Lancaster County. As needed, the chapter provides aquariums, and chillers to maintain the cold-water environment, and coordination through our education chairman, Scott Trefny at

Josh Shortuse from Ephrata High School conducts a TIC program as part of his 11th & 12th-grade environmental studies classes. He has kindly given us permission to post this video on our website. More videos can be found on Josh’s video blog.

For more information on Pennsylvania’s Trout in the Classroom program, visit their site.

TIC has applications in ecology & the environment, science, social studies, even language, mathematics & the fine arts. At the end of the year, the classes release their trout fingerlings into a suitable nearby stream.

Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is an interdisciplinary program for students in grades 3 – 12, wherein they learn about cold water conservation by raising brook trout from eggs to fingerlings in a classroom aquarium. Each teacher adapts the program to fit the needs of their own students & curriculum.

2023 Update from Mike Burcin, TIC committee.

This year students in Lancaster County have been exposed to a four to five month program through "Trout in the Classroom". Excited / motivated teachers, supportive administrators, and parents made aware of this exemplary program. While the teachers do the "heavy lifting" throughout the four/five months, DTU is a major player in providing the funding and support necessary to make it happen. Do the math...eighteen to twenty five classes per year, grades 3 - 12. Three to five hundred students per year since its inception in the 2006.