Fishing Creek Watershed

PA Department of Environmental Protection has anounced proposed work on the Fishing Creek Watershed in Lancaster County. For more info click on Fishing Creek.

Conowingo Creek Restoration.
Wayne Boggs Wayne Boggs

Conowingo Creek Restoration.

Newly planted trees, line the Conowingo Creek on May 25, 2023 as work wraps up on a stream restoration that rehabilitated a half-mile of aquatic habitat

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Free TroutSpotter app uses AI to spot trends in coldwater fish populations
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

Free TroutSpotter app uses AI to spot trends in coldwater fish populations

Improvement in local streamwater quality is expected to be among the benefits as artificial intelligence drives an app that will make anglers’ photos about much more than bragging rights.

The free TroutSpotter app that identifies and tracks individual fish will launch in the spring through the Trout Unlimited website — — and will allow the national nonprofit to put its thousands of members to work helping researchers spot trends in coldwater fish populations.

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Finishing touches under way in Lititz Run’s remarkable transformation
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

Finishing touches under way in Lititz Run’s remarkable transformation

The award-winning work continues even today at the nonprofit Millport Conservancy in Warwick Township where some of the first fledgling restoration work began in 1990 after the grassroots Donegal Chapter of Trout Unlimited showed up with shovels and crowbars to begin changing the stream for the better.

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Fake beaver dams may be next big restoration tool for ecologists
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

Fake beaver dams may be next big restoration tool for ecologists

Matt Wilson is a stream and restoration ecologist who dwells on the works of nature, then mimics them for healing streams.

So when he read about successful efforts in the Pacific Northwest to build artificial beaver dams to improve water quality in streams, he naturally jumped on the idea and determined to try it himself.

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ExtraGive: Focus on environmental groups looking for supporters
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

ExtraGive: Focus on environmental groups looking for supporters

…the nonprofits, including all the environmental groups, participating in the day of giving this year at The minimum donation for Extra-Give is $10, and ExtraGive Day is a particularly impactful time to give — participating organizations receive a share of “stretch pool” funds from event sponsors that is proportional to that organization’s number of unique donors.

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Manheim Twp. 14-year-old is the youngest member of the U.S. Angling Youth Fly Fishing Team
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

Manheim Twp. 14-year-old is the youngest member of the U.S. Angling Youth Fly Fishing Team

When 14-year-old Bobby Brandt gets home from Manheim Township Middle School every day, he’s likely going to one of two places. To his room to tie flies for trout fishing. Or to Lititz Run in the Millport Conservancy to use some of those flies he tied to fish for trout. “It’s Bobby’s way of life,” said his mother, Kathryn Brandt. “He’s a fisherman.”

Earlier this fall, Bobby Brandt became the youngest member of the U.S. Angling Youth Fly Fishing Team.

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Lancaster County leads state in stream restoration projects
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

Lancaster County leads state in stream restoration projects

Lancaster County’s intense farming has become both a blessing and a curse. Some of the richest soil on earth has earned the county the nationally known “Garden Spot” moniker. But no other county in the six states and District of Columbia that drain into the Chesapeake Bay delivers such a harmful blow of polluting soil and nutrients to ongoing efforts to improve the Bay.

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Celebrate Riparian Buffers in October
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

Celebrate Riparian Buffers in October

October is Lancaster's third annual Riparian Buffer Month! So, what does that mean for Donegal Trout Unlimited? Since one of our most cost-effective and time-tested practices to restore streams is planting streamside trees, we love to champion riparian buffers whenever we can.

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Upstream Report
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

Upstream Report

Updates from Claire Landis, Donegal Trout Unlimited President During the initial half of my presidency, I dedicated myself to advancing the initiatives of my predecessor, Garry Longenecker, with a primary focus on strengthening the internal structure of our organization.

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TU projects fare well in Northeast flooding
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

TU projects fare well in Northeast flooding

When recent heavy rains pummeled the Northeast, the immediate priority was safety for the region’s residents. Now that deadly flood waters have receded, New Englanders are grappling with both the emotional scars of the devastation to lives and property and assessing the damage and moving forward toward recovery.

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DTU Nursery Moves To New Home
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

DTU Nursery Moves To New Home

The DTU Nursery is undergoing relocation, shifting from Millport Conservancy to the PennState South East Agricultural Research and Extension Center (SEAREC) located at 1446Auction Rd in Rapho Township. The expansive 155-acre SEAREC houses an impressive array of over 50 projects, experimenting with diverse ideas and methods related to farming crops, annual and perennial flowers, and various horticultural crops.

Moreover, it serves as a showcase where farmers, industry professionals, consumers, and students can witness experiments and seek advice from scientists.

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PA Fish and Boat proposes new Wild Trout and Class A Streams
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

PA Fish and Boat proposes new Wild Trout and Class A Streams

Thanks to the PA Fish and Boat Commission, 32 new Wild Trout Waters and 18 Class A Wild Trout Waters have been proposed for upgraded designation. With your help, we can secure protections for these additional streams from development and pollution.

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Special Olympics Fishing Derby
Ralph Wilton Ralph Wilton

Special Olympics Fishing Derby

The Fishing Derby, organized by DTU members in collaboration with the Lancaster Special Olympics, took place on Saturday, June 17th. The event was hosted at Hugh Wenger's residence in Elizabethtown and planned by lead organizers Hugh, Claire Landis (President of DTU), and Tony Watts (member of the Special Olympics Leadership Team). A total of 10 Olympians, accompanied by their guests, participated in the derby, receiving assistance from 29 dedicated DTU volunteers.

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